The Salvation Army Thrift Stores


The Salvation Army aims to see value in everything, even when others don’t. We see this through their national brand as they help in situations of homelessness, natural disasters, rent assistance, and food pantries, however the proceeds from their thrift stores directly benefit those struggling with addiction. For many, on their journey to recovery, they lose a lot. Family. Security. Independence. Hope. But with The Salvation Army, they have a place to stay, sleep, eat, learn skills, find spiritual connection and eventually start again.

What shoppers and donors might see as “little things”, The Salvation Army and it’s beneficiaries see as a much bigger deal. Because when you shop or donate to The Salvation Army, you help give a neighbor in need a second chance at life.

CW: Abby Adams
AD: Alyssa Sheldon
CD: Tim McCracken


Whataburger Museum of Art


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